The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)

SAYS SHE SUICIDED, Kansas Man's Strange Story of His Wife's Death. HE IS ACCUSED OF KILLING HER. fcold the Children Their "Mother Died In Texas but Her Body Was Found Scantily Buried In a TrenchHow He Accounts Kor Hor Skull Being CrushedAdmits I hey Quarreled. Kansas City, June 3. W.

H. Klens. mire, whose wife was found murdered near their home at Holton. buried in a shallow trench, was arrested in Kansas City, Kas. Marks on the body, which is believed to have been buried since May 19, indicated that her skull had been crushed with a club and suspicion was directed against the husband who disappeared at that time.

When arrested Kle ns anire was at the depot to take a train, as he said, for Hoiton. When told he was wanted on suspicion of murdering his wife, he refused to talk. Finally Klensmire was induced to make the following statement: "My wife and I disagreed frequently, but I usually let her have her way. Just' before her death she was very ane because I wanted to sell some land which she had signed a deed. She said she would leave me.

But I did not want to let people know she had ien me ana told her to say she was going away on a visit. We had a few words Sunday, May 12, about it. She went away and later I found her body hanging from a rope in the barn, took her down but was afraid of the disgrace and hid her body in the straw. The next day I buried her. I told the children she had gone to Texas and the telegram I sent saying she was dead was intended to keep them irom knowing she suicided.

Asked about the condition of his wife's crushed head, he said: "Maybe the dirt falling on it mashed it in, wouldn't strike her." There was no more than two feet of dirt over the body as it was found. Klensmire is a German farmer, 4S years old and uneducated. The prob ability that he would be tried murder seemed secondary to the grace from publicity of the affair. He was born near Holton and has alway lived in that vicinity. His mother and two or three brothers and sister live there and are well respected.

ACCUSED OF FORGERY. Army Officer Who Was Cashiered Must Again Face Charges. Butte, June 3. Lieutenant John M. Neill, an ex officer of the regular army stationed at the Presidio, near San Francisco, was arrested here by a deputy United States marshal on instructions from San Francisco, charging him With forgery of vouchers in the army three years ago.

He was cashiered from the army three years ago on a charge of having been implicated in some alleged peculations at the Presidio, but the shortage was made good and nothing further was heard of the affair. Neill says he is innocent of the charge of forgery. He has a wife and several children residing in Oakland, Cal. His wife is highly connected socially on the coast. For a year Neill has been employed by the Anaconda Mining company as engineer.

be taken back to San Francisco. York to Visit America. Halifax, June 3. The Duke of York's visit to Canada is officially announced. The royal party will receive a grazed state welcome at Quebec, Sept.

16, will be guests of Lord Strathcona at Montreal, reach Ottawa Sept. 20 and depart Sept 24 for the Pacific coast, stopping for short inter vals at Yrinniyeg, Brandon, Regina and Calgary en route. They will spend two days at Victoria, B. C. Returning the duke will spend a week in Ontario visiting Niagara aud other points.

will then sail down the St Lawrence to the Thousand Islands. Their high nesses will take a train at Montreal for St. John and Halifax and embark Oct. 15 for England, calling at St Johns, N. for a few hours Oct.

1 The royal train to be used in Canada is being buitt for the occasion. Irish i roops Mutinied. London, June 3. A military riot oc curred at Shorncliffe. A detachment of the Dublin fusiliers, actuated bv iome imaginary grievance, wrecked Xheir barracks room.

The guard called out to arrest the ringleaders and shots were fired by the fusiliers, who met the reinforced guard with volley of ball cartridge and with bay onets. Two men of the guard wen seriously injured by bayonet thrusts. The riot lasted two hours. Mrs. McKinley's Condition, Washington.

June 3. Mrs. McKin ley continues very weak. Her condi tion is not greatly changed, but each day that elapses without gain stfength lessens her powers of re peration. The complaint which came near ending her life in San Francisco is still present, though slightly less aggravated.

Mrs. McKinley has shown remarkable vitality, hut her illness has so reduced her strength as to leave her very feeble. Europe Scourged fay Jove. London, June 3. For several day intense heat has prevailed over th continent, accompanied by heavy Storms of thunder and hail.

In various sections the crops have been destroyed and many deaths have been caused by lightning. Correspondent's Information. London, June 3. "I am informed," wires the Hongkong correspondent of The Times, "that the French intend to annex Hai Nan in July." be the the as TRIENNIAL. CONCLAVE.

Louieville Making Preparation Entertain the Templars. Louisville, June 3. So far ad vance orders for accommodations during the week of the triennial conclave of Knights Templar, Aug. 27 30, have been received from 37 states and territories. All will be comfortably quar with room for twice as many tnore.

Besides the hotels there will the tented field at Fountain park, railroads will "park" sleepers and the teamboats will have staterooms at service of visitors. Illinois takes the lead in number of lommanderies that have arranged to make the pilgrimage, over 20 having ed locations for conclave week, size of the parties averaging 100 knights and women. Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Missouri. West Virginia, Michigan, California, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts and Rhode Island follow in about the or der named, with contracts calling for from 350 to 1.200 each. The total number of contracts made by the committee provide for over 10,000 persons.

This is independent of about half many to be cared for by the rail roads, all of which entering Louisville have agreed to "park" sleeping cars for use by occupants as quarters dur ing the triennial encampment and by steaniboat companies with packets in tne local harbor during the fourth reek of August. Hard Storm at Pittsburg. Pittsburg, June 3. One of the heav iest spring storms known to the gov nment weather bureau here passed over this section, doing much damage, and four people were badly hurt. The storm lasted only 15 minutes, but i' that time three tenths of an inch of rain fell, heavy hail ruined many trees and the wind blew down several small houses.

At Whittaker, near Homestead, a partly finished store and dwelling house was wrecked, burying tne rums three boys and a man all of whom were badly hurt. The man, Daniel Martin, may die from the effects of injuries to his head and spine. The boys, George Marley, 15; Frank Sturgis, 13, and Daniel Ashton, lb, were shocked but will recover. Havana Elections. Havana, June 3.

The Havana Nationalists carried the municipal elec tions overwhelmingly. Senor Miguel Gener, the Nationalist candidate, was elected mayor of Havana, receiving 11,115 votes against 7,533 cast for Sencr Mora, Republican, and 3,211 cast for Senor Carlos Garcia. candi date of the Democratic party. The Nationalists elected IS members of the municipal council, the Republic ans tour and the Democrats two. Thousands Saw Him Drown.

Denver, June 3. William Thauta. 24, a machinist, and second lieutenant of Company First regiment, Colo ado national guard, was drowned the lake at City park in full view of 5,000 people. With two companions he was rowing on the lake when the boat was accidentally swamped, an Thaute, who could not swim drowned before help could reach him. Colored Catholi New York, June 3.

1 Dead. he funeral of William A. Willyms, oi i of the most wideiy known negroes New York, occurred from the Church of St. Bene dict the Moor. Willyms had been number of years sacristan of church.

He was educated at Rome and had as fellow pupils Archbishop Cc tgan, Dr. McGlynn, Dr. Birdsall avu other church dignitaries. Hobson's i utor Gone Beyond, Knoxville, June 3. Information the sudden death of the Rev.

J. M. F. Otts, D. of Greensboro, Ala.

been telegraphed here, where Dr. Otts was recently pastor of the Third Presbyterian church. Dr. Otts was well Known writer on the Bible an the Holy Land He was a tutor of Captain Richard Pearson Hobson number of years. Fire Chief's Close Call.

Quincy, June 3. Fire destroy ed the wholesale house of the Teak Hardware company, causing a loss of 570,000, fully covered by insurance. George Schlag, chief of the fire department, came in contact with a live electric wire and seriously injured. Spanish Elections. Madrid, June 3.

In the elections for the renewal of the elective half of the senate, the Liberals elected 117 candidates and the Conservatives 56. The various other parties will be represented by 24 members. Sent One Tenth to Dowie. West Unity, June 3. R.

W. Ely, retired merchant of this place, sold a farm for S3.000 and sent the tithe, $300, to John Alexander Dowie. Mr. Ely is a member of Dowie's Christian Catholic church. SPORTING EVENTS.

Results of the Several Baseball Games. National League. At Clnetiimui Ciiu hmuti 1, St. Louis G. At Chicago Chicago 1, Pittsburg 6.


W. PC X. 16 0 640 St. L. 15 17 Fliila IS 13 Brook 11 .407 17 11 ly .423 10 10 .500 11 2fi American League.

At Chicago Chicago 5, Washington 7. At Detroit Detroit Philadelphia 11. At Milwaukee Milwaukee 2, Boston 13. CLUBS. TV.

L. P.C. CLUBS. W. L.

P.C. 24 11 Bost 13 14 iu 11 rmi A ..15 17 Detroit. 20 14 Milw 12 20 14 13 Clove. Western Association. At Oohinibms Columbus 0, Indianapolis 1.

At Louisville Louisville 3, Dnvton 4. At Fort Wayne Fort Wayne 6, Toledo 3. CLUBS. G. Hap.

Dayton'. W. L. P.C. CLUBS.

W. L. T.C. U5 10 .710 15 17 24 10 706 12 10 20 16 555 13 22 15 15 .500 Colum. 10 24 .281 the on Seven Tears lu Bed.

"Will wonders ever oease?" inq friends Pease, of Law rence, Kan, They knew she had beea unable to leave her bed in Beven years account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debility but, "Three bottle? of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk," she writes, and in three months I left like a new person." Women suffering from Head ache, Backache, Nervousness, Sleepless ness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed Only 50c at Brandriff and Hedges' drug store. Willie Hippo What's that, pa? Mr. Hippo Nothing for you, Willie.

face powder for mother. She's go tg to the dance tonight. Chicago News. A Good Cough Medicine. It speaks well for Chamberlain's Oough Remedy when druggists ni in their own families in preference to any other.

"I have sold Chamberlain'B Cough Remedy for the past five years with complete satisfaction to myself and customers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, N. Y. "I have always used it in my own family both for ordinary coughs and colds and for the cough following la grippe, and find it very efficacious. For sale by Greenameyer drng store.

AH Jenkiuson Yes, i Alike. I'm going to be mar Why, do you think; ried on Tuesday, that unlucky? Si nn ick son Of Jcnkinson Well, then, what is the lucky day to be married on? Sinnicksou It hasn't been invented yet. Philadelphia Press. A.O. Blanchard, West Bangor, N.

Y. "I have been troubled with kid ney disease for the last Ave ypara. Have doctored with several physicians and I got no relief until I used two bottles of Foley's Kidney co*ke." O. Piercy. Sang a Risque Song.

Parkersburg, W. June 3. Tds singing of a risque song by Robert Crawford started a row at a church festival at Pleasant Valiey, 13 mile; from here. B. S.

Hedrick and Mai McLaughlin were dangerously cut and P. G. Knopp had his teeth knocked out. Robert Crawford, Mac McLaijgh Iin, John Stanley, Grover Alleman and John Pettit were arrested. Steady Girl Wanted.

Several young men complain that they have no steady girl. It seems that they no sooner get fairly started with a girl, probably have the theatre tickets all bought, when the girl "can't go be cause she has a sick headache." Dr. Caldwell's Syrnp Pepsin cures all forms of Stomach Trouble and Sick Headache. Girls "A word to the wise" etc. Your friend.

Brandriff Hedges. LEG AT, NOTICE. Notice to Nonresidents "No. 35541. George M.

Howe, Plaintiff, Harry Hildebrana, Miami County Court Common Pleas. Notice to Non residents. HarTV Hildebrand and Marv TTilriohrnnd th sidiug at the City of Mem pins in the state of will take none that on the 15th dv of Feb. Geortre M. Howe filed Tiis uptitinn itT thp Cturtof Common Pitas Miami County Ohio debrand aud Mary Hildobrand, praying for judgment for with interest at per cent from September IS, IS05 until paid.

As is evi by said Ilarry Hildebraud and Mary Hilde brand on the 9t day ot Septemher 1S95, and that an ordeT of attachment wa.s issued in said tne ytn aay ot et. lim for lie andfor Washingtoi lino, and the said i to the said Common Plras Court under ac roinc ection i 1 tJi i utes of Ohio, and that on Feb. 16. 1001 an order i i nmi nt the mil art and. riv virtue thereof on "HU.

The rmrhv idi 1 1 of the touowinf; desen he'i real estate the btate or umo unarm uounry, wasmngton Towusmp, and 37 Links; thence north 1 decrees west Ji Chains and 9fl links tn the renter of Pinna, and Covington turnpike: thence with the center of was attached and that an order of salo will be asked tor the sate ot said real estate to satisfy said claim. Said parties are required to answer on or before the 8th day of June or judg mem, win mucu agrtiiist mem, Gkoror M. Howk by Ward KeytMs Attorney 4 28 6 wta. SAYS HE IS ELIJAH. The Overseer of Zion Makes a Startling Statement.

HOWIE PROCLAIMS A THEOCRACY. thousands Arise and Acknowledge Founder of the Christian Cat It alia Chm tdt as the Reincarnation of 1 the Prophet Philippic Against the 'I', Masomy aud Newspapers. Chicago, June 3. In a frenzied speech before 5,000 people at the Auditorium, John Alexander Dowie, founder of what he calls the Christian Catholic church, denounced everything not identified with his Zion. vilified the Roman Catholic church and the pope, hurled anathemas at Masonry, the newspapers and banks, and while he paced up and down the stage area himself to be the nronhet Elijah and the forerunner of a theoc cy for temporal government.

Dowie's most startling declaration was as follows: "I am Elijah, the prophet, who appeared first as Elijah himself, second as John the Baptist, and who now comes in me, the re of all things. Elijah was a prophet, John was a preacher, but I combine in myself the attributes of the prophet, priest and ruler over men. Gaze on me then; I say it fear lessly. Make the most of it, you ches in ecclesiastical garb. am he that is the living physical and spiritual embodiment of Elijah, and my commission to earth a third time has been prophesied by Malachi, by God self, by his sou Jesus, by Peter, and 3,000 years ago by Moses.

ho believe me to be in verv truth all of this will stand up." Over people rose to their feet and greeted the declaration with cheers and hand clapping. "Understand well what mean," he continued. "I will take no counsel in methods of government I have come to proclaim theocracy, pure and simple, the government of God God and for God, and I will never rest till all other forms of government have been driven from the earth, talk about your democracy. Bah tell you democracy been tried in the balance and has failed. The go ernment of the people, by the people and for the people is twaddle.

I stand loyal to the flag and countenance no revolution. But I demand here and now that the name of God must be placed foremost in the constitution of the United States and the supremacy of God in all things." Having delivered himself of this tirade, Dowie concluded by admonishing his followers, "You must pay your tithes into the church of God." Didn't Indict Dowie. Chicago, June 3. Dr. John Alexander Dowie, the founder of the faith cure Zion, was not indicted by the grand jury, nor were the deaconesses, Mrs.

Brath and Mrs. Speicher. despite the finding of the coroner's jury holding them criminally responsible far the death of Mrs. H. W.

Judd. W. H. DeMoure of Piper City, who diod recently, bequeathed all his property, worth 3100,000, to Zion instead of to his five sons. THE MARKE Grain and Stock Prices Far June 1.

Cleveland Cattle: Good to choice smooth dry fed 1.250 lb. steers and np ds, $5 mu 1 to choice dry fed USnter steers. green hair fn 900 to 1,200 lb. steers, S4 504 75; fair best htfifGr.s. fl to 'eaj uO: fair to extra cows, TmiA bulls, $3 73g4 50.

Sheep and Lambs l.ood cuouv handy yea fair to good. 55 OOTro 1 to 110 pounds, 54 OOffJ 5 10: culls and common, S4 254 75; good no cnoice winner snoep, at liX'J. Hill to good, $4 ttt)44 15; good mixed sheep, S3 Sw34 00: fair to good ewes. 50513 75; culls and common. 52 OOtijvi CO; spring lam os, yood to eUolee.

5b ntfri.i 00; fair good, i. silver Fair to bcsi SCXjJiG 50. Hogs Mediums and heavies. Uo: yorltcrs, 50 w. Chie Cattle: Good to prime steers, KiQiU lts; poor to raiMium, $4 iXiio 40: stackers and feeders.

uufri'4 U0; cows, $2 sriM 55: heife i K. 53 OiKM U0; winners. $2 25i.2 'li is. 53 40: Texas fed sneers, 54 lt.eoo to; an. is, 0V0 Calves 54 'i 15.

Sheep and Laii Good to choice wether. $4 GO; fair to choice mixed, 54 4U; western sheep. 54 4ry24 GO; yearling's, 54 75; native lambs, 05: western iambs, $5 owr 5 Go. Hogs Mivcd and butchers, 55 TiXr.i a 00; good to choice heavy. 55 SOftO IK), rough heavy.

55 15355 75: light, 55 OjMtS 1. Wheat No. 2 red, 7V.7c Corn 2, 43e. Oats No. 2.

Buffalo Good to prime exporters, $5 ship (JO; butchers' grades, 55 OO'aS 555; com i to fair, 54 755 10: heifers, S4 DOro fat cows, OOCh4 00; common to fair. $3 25 bulls, 5 i.yod ji; stockers and feed ers, good to chok 5 1 COVM 5f4 OtKti4 40. lambs, 55 45ro 50; culls and eonim sheep, 54 00rt4 25 iin 54 75. Sheep and Lambs Best fair to good, 25fi5 35; .11, 5 1 OOSi 4 50: mixed culls 25:: 50; year Hogs 1'igs, 55 00; Tortus, $6 10; heavy, era, $(5 00; mediums 50 10. Pittsburg Cattle prime, 55 No butchers, 55 30 rows, bulls and st: tows.

LHVe eO 0 1. I'hoiee. S.yG 00: od, 55 50: tidy lieifers, 5i! SOr tO 10: 50; "fresh Sheep aud Lambs I 35; good, S4 Ijtfj Choice sheep, 54 30'. fair. 53 i.t'.H Id: choice Iambs.

55 fjO; common to good, $4 005 25; spring lambs, 007 50. Hogs Prime heavies, 056 10; mediums, $0 O'Wjti 02; heavy yorkers, SO pigs. 55 Vd'y 00. New Vork Cottle: Steers, 55 thWO 10; bulls, S3 40St4 fiO; eows, 5'J ji24 35. Calves Veals, 54 '00a(i' i 50 15.

Sheep and Lambs Sheep, 53 ihKo.4 50; yoarllnss, $4 50gt GO: wooled yearlings, 50 20; lambs, $5 53fe6 SO. 5r 25. Whcat i reo, cons oats No. Cineinuati Wheat: No. 2 red, 75v2c Corn No.

2 mixed, 53Vit. OatsNo' 2 mixed, 30ft31Vic. Ityc No, 2, Me. Lard 05. Bulk meats Bacon V2K.

$4 OOSjiG di. Cattle $2 SOrtio 'di. SUecp $2 504 10. ambs 256 10. Toledo Wheat, 75V4c; corn, 4414c; oats, eloverseed, 5ft.

Baltimore Butter: Fancy creamery, 20c Eggs Fresh, 13c to I LOCOMOTIVE TRUST'S HEAD Ex PreHJdent the Ne Yorlc Ceu trul Huh Risen From, the KunU.i. "It was a matter of money with me," i said Mr. Samuel It. Callaway when ex plaining his recent acceptance of the presidency of the American Locomo live company at a salary of 00,000 a I year. "I have been a salaried man all my life, and I felt it duo to my family make the oest of my opportunities.

have never speculated am just a plain plodder It is not at all likely, that Mr. Call way's family SAMUEL EOOKP.f? CALLAWAY. would have sneered had he not accepted the offer or the presidency of "tht locomotive trust," since his salary as i president of the Xew York Central rail road has been a year. The American Locomotive company, to head which Mr. Callaway has been taken from the New York Central, is the newly organized corporation that will control about two thirds of the output of locomotives in the United States.

It is capitalized at 000 and has taken over all of the large works with the exception of the Baldwin. The new "trust" will have an average daily output of seven complete locomotives. Few people who know him will agree with Mr. Callaway's modest estimate of himself as 'just a plain plodder" unless 'plodding" means an infinite capacity for work. It is said that In the three years or so that Mr.

Callaway been president tin Central he has done work that before his advent required two vice presidents and a general manager. He leaves the Central with only the most cordial of feelings. The Vanderbilts. who control that system, are also largely interested in the American Locomotive company. The new president of the locomotive "trust" is a Canadian by bivth and is 51 years of age.

At 14 he entered the service of the Grand Trunk railroad at Montreal as an office boy. Promotion came to him rapidly, for he is. eminent ly fitted by nature to attend to routine matters as well as those of greater importance. He worked his wav up through the various grades and in 1SG0 became chief clerk to the superintendent of the Detroit aud Milwaukee rail road. Sinee then Iir has held a num ber of important railroad positions, always advancing.

NEW YELLOW FEVER CURE. UcIIinvmxlii Anno the Din Dr. Angel Belliuzaghi annouuecs tlmt he lists found an "active vaccine1 which will insure absolute and permn nent immunity from yellow fever, say the New York Herald. He offers to demonstrate its curative properties in umn, as lie lias in Mexico, and suggests that an oOicial uiedical conimittot be sent there with him by the government. He says: "If it were needful, we could free from ilio risk of yellow fever a bait; ion of soldiers which might be pent Cuba, and we could guarantee that not one of the soldiers, even were he di posed to that disease, would catch yel low A Sprained An kit.

Ouickly Cored. "At one time I suffered from a. severe sprain of the ankle," says Geo. Gary, editor of the Guide, Washington, Va. "After using Beveral well recommended medicines without success.

I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and am pleased to aay that relief came as soon aa I began its use aud a complete cure speedily followed," Sold by Greena meyer drug store. A SliTit Oversight. Mrs. Shoploy Oh, George! I bought a real handsome set of books today on the installment plan. All I have to pay is a dollar and a half a month.

Mr. Shopley how many mouths? Mrs. Shopley Dear tne! I forgot to ask! Brooklyn Life. William Woodard, of Decatur, writes "I was troubled with kidney disease, for several years and four one dollar size bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure cured me. I would recommend to anyone who has kidney trouble." O.

G. Piercy. Fiendish Assault. St. Joseph.

June 3. Fred Finger, a well known young man of this city, attacked Fred Smith. Henrietta Miller and Fred Miller with a knife and fatally wounded the first and the others may die. He was intoxicated and can give no reason for the assault. OASTOHIA mji hw im noun in PEW UVERPlUtf action id very mild bnt go lately certain and eSecraaL The liver and bowels are restored to normal healthy action and the general system benefited by their use, "A Sirams Pill will save a doctor bill." to of these little pills cost Dai juc, maKuig int Mpes thav tive power.

At the druggists SlimS MEDICINE and American Oombinn flnm. panies, when you can get jnst aa good the ten strictly American anti Combine Companies, represented by FRFD. SCHLOSSER SON. PIQUA, OHIO. VISIT WINONA LAKE An Attractive Summer Haven for Best.

Recreation, Entertainment. Winona Lake, on the Pennsylvania Lines, is an attractive summer haven for persons who desire to combine entertainment and instructioa with rest and recr9ation. This resort is tne site of Winona Assembly and Sum mer School, and is annually visited by many persons who are strengthened in mind by the excellent facilities for educational work, and invigorated in body by the health giving influences for which Winona Lake ib famous. Tne season tor lyiH will on en 15th. Commencing on that date exnnr sion tickets with fifteen day limit will he on sale via Pennsylvania Lines.

They July and August. The sale of season ciouieimitiiiwui win njHu Degin May 15th and continue daily until September 14th. Excursion tickets will be good rm iniormation aoout the attractions i "Beautiful Winona." its AomM tr uu tjuiiiuxpr ouuum, wiu ne oaeer ixiny inrmsned. all who address Mr. SOL.

DlOKET. RpRrAtnrv Winnnn T.aVo. Ind. Inquiries abont Pxisnrainn mtpa time of trains, should be addressed to Passenger and Tioket Agents of the irennsyivania ijines, or to Air DTJ se uniei AssiBcant (jeneral Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. Low Rate Excursions To Colorado and Utah, Every Day, VIA BURLINGTON B.OUTE, com menomg June 13, continuing through, the summer.

These will be the lowest rate summer escursions ever made fsn the Rocky Mountain region. The general basis is only one fare putts S2.00 for the round trip, but on certain dates, for instance, JULY Jst to 9th, inclusive, lower than half bates are onerea. This Burlington Route is the best line to COLORADO. This is a rare. chance to get outing in this magnificent scenic and delightful summer region.

The general scheme of excursion rates is so extensive, and, varied, that inquiries for details Bhottld be made of the nearest ticket agent, or of the undersigned. Do us the favor to write for information, printed matter, etc. To California. The cheapest excursion rates for th public as well as Epworth Leaguera. LESS than half rates.

Get bertha early in the Burlington's speciaZi THROUGH TOURISTS SLEEPERS TO iSAST FRANCISCO, leaving, daily, JULY 6th to 13th, inolnsive from Sfc.JLanis at night from Kansas City in the morning, via DENVER. Rio Grande System, through SCENIC COLORADO, SALT LAKE CITY. CALIFORNIA EXCURSIONS every Wednesday, personally conducted rs THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPER, same route as above. Send for descriptive folder. W.

M. Shaw, L. W. Wake ley. D.

P. 400 Vine Gen'l Cincinnati, O. St. Louis, Mo. Howard Elliott, General Manager, St.

Louis, Ho. Consumption Cure a. BROUGHT BACK FROM HE GRAVE. Last November Mr. Joseph fainter, of 325 W.

Pearl IndianarxK Hs, was at death's door with quick consumption. "Wasted to a skeleton; his lungs a mass of ulceration; hia death was hourly awaited by his doctot and family. He was kept in a constant stupor with opium. A friend, thinking to relieve his terrible cough, gave hima bottle of Brazilian Balm. Seeing ita wonderful effect, the doctor advised its continued use.

Mr. James soon aftet dismissed his doctor, and depended on the Balm alone. His recovery wa rapid and complete, and in February returnea to worn, nis lungs arewunu, his weight sreater than at any time in his life. His recovery is rerarded ar almost a miracle. In consumption beware of cough misr tures and prescriptions that contact opium.

Opium paralizes the nerves and gives the comma bacillus a good chance to destroy the lungs. It ii always fatal. Brazilian Balm does not contain a trace of any opiate, but stimulates the nerves with new life and power. destroys the microbe, and restores aT araSdrar jsi MM.

The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)


What was the original name of Piqua Ohio? ›

The village began in 1807 and operated under the control of Washington Township and was called the village of Washington. This name was unpopular with the settlers, so in 1816, the state legislature was petitioned to restore the town to its Indian name, Piqua.

What are some fun facts about Piqua Ohio? ›

Piqua started out as two separate communities, Upper Piqua and Lower Piqua in 1780 becoming one community by 1800. Rossville (since incorporated into Piqua) was the first local African-American settlement after the Randolph slaves were freed following the passing of John Randolph in 1833.

Does Piqua Ohio have a newspaper? ›

Newspaper The Piqua Daily Call (Piqua, Ohio) 1927-Current.

What Indian tribe was in Piqua Ohio? ›

The Shawnee then moved to the present site, where they established two settlements, Upper and Lower Piqua.

Who is the new owner of Piqua Mall? ›

Piqua Investment Partners LLC―which is a partnership between the locally-based Bruns Construction and the Minnesota-based Caspian Group―has rebranded the mall as the Piqua Center, located at 987 E. Ash St. in Piqua, after taking over ownership of it from the Kohan Group last year.

What is the ethnicity of Piqua Ohio? ›

Piqua, OH is home to a population of 20.4k people, from which 99.5% are citizens. As of 2022, 0.93% of Piqua, OH residents were born outside of the country (190 people). In 2022, there were 24.3 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (18.8k people) in Piqua, OH than any other race or ethnicity.

What is the crime rate in Piqua Ohio? ›

With a crime rate of 34 per one thousand residents, Piqua has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 30.

Does Captain Underpants live in Ohio? ›

The series revolves around two fourth graders, George Beard and Harold Hutchins, living in Piqua, Ohio, and Captain Underpants, an aptly named superhero from one of the boys' homemade comic books, who accidentally becomes real when George and Harold hypnotize their cruel, bossy, and ill-tempered principal, Mr. Krupp.

What newspapers are black owned in Ohio? ›

CincinnatiThe Cincinnati HeraldWeekly
CincinnatiColored CitizenWeekly
CincinnatiThe Ohio EnterpriseWeekly
CincinnatiCincinnati UnionWeekly
59 more rows

What is the largest newspaper in Ohio? ›

The Plain Dealer, Ohio's largest newspaper and top advertising source.

What district is Piqua Ohio in? ›

Ohio's 8th congressional district sits on the west side of Ohio, bordering Indiana. The cities of Hamilton, Fairfield, Middletown, Springfield, Eaton, Greenville, Piqua, and Troy are part of the district.

What was Ohio Territory previously called? ›

George Washington spoke these words in 1788 about the southeastern corner of what was then known as the Northwest Territory. This territory was made up of land that would one day become Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and part of Minnesota.

What is the history of Fort Piqua? ›

Fort Piqua, located at upper Piqua on the west bank of the Miami River, was such a fort. Built by Wayne in 1795, it served primarily as a depot for storing supplies. It was comprised of many buildings and stood on the same site as the Johnston Farm.

What Indian language is the word Piqua and what does it mean? ›

A short distance north was a Shawnee town called Piqua. Piqua means “ashes” in the Shawnee language. An old legend explains the naming of the Shawnee village. Many years before, the Shawnee had captured a member of a tribe they were warring against and burned him at the stake.

What was the original name of Kent Ohio? ›

The site was first settled in about 1805 by John and Jacob Haymaker and was called Riedsburg. It was later named Franklin Mills, and when incorporated as a village in 1867 it was renamed for Marvin Kent, a promoter of the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad (later Erie Lackawanna Railway).

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.