St. Lucie News Tribune from Fort Pierce, Florida (2024)

Outcome of Vote On Carswell Still in Doubt WASHINGTON (AP) For the second time, a Senate battle over a Southern judge nominated by President Nixon for the Supreme Court is going down to the wire with the outcome in doubt. An Associated Press survey gives supporters of the nomination of G. Harrold Carswell an edge on a crucial vote set for Monday, but the key is held by 13 undeclared senators. The Republican leadership maintains its count shows enough votes to defeat a motion to send the nomination back to the Senate Judiciary Committee -a move designed to kill it. Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, one of those who has not announced his stand, says he regards the outcome as a tossup.

If the recommittal motion fails, the Senate has agreed to vote Wednesday on the nomination of the 50-year-old Carswell, a 5th U.S. Court of Appeals judge whose home is in Tallahassee, Fla. The move to return Carswell's nomination to committee was made by Sen, Birch Bayh, D- who played a leading role in the fight against Nixon's earlier nomination of Judge Clement F. Haynsworth Jr. of Greenville, S.C.

The Senate rejected Haynsworth's nomination last November 55 to 45, with 17 of the 43 Republicans breaking away from the administration. No such widespread GOP defection is apparent in Carswell's case. Bayh's motion, offered in the hope it would pick up a few more votes than a a 5, straight test on confirmation, has stirred conflicting reactions and created additional uncertainties. Some senators have denounced it as an attempt to let the Senate evade a responsibility of voting for or against Carswell's nomination. Sen.

Marlow Cook, for example, has announced he will vote against recommittal but has not said how he will vote on confirmation. And Sen. Robert Packwood, has said he is against confirmation but finds the move to return the matter to committee distasteful. He said senators should have the guts to vote for or against Carswell. However, Bayh's motion has enabled opponents to make inroads into the ranks of Southern Democrats.

Sens. J. Fulbright of Arkansas and William Spong Jr. of Virginia are supporting the motion. The latest Associated Press tally lists 46 senators against Bayh's recommittal motion and 29 for, with 13 others undeclared.

Two ailing senators, Clinton P. Anderson, and Karl E. Mundt, are I not included. Two others, Sens. Wallace F.

Bennett, R-Utah, and Cliborne Pell, also will be absent. Bennett is on record in support of Carswell and against recommittal. Pell is in the opposing camp, so their absences will balance off. If all other senators vote, 49 will constitute a majority for the adoption or rejection of Bayh's motion. Alternatively, SING OUT (Continued from Page 1) It is not likely that many will have to be rocked to sleep Monday night.

Tuesday is the big day, with breakfast at 7 a.m. at the Holland Building. Rep. Charles Nergard, who invited the group to help open the session of the Legislature, has arranged a tour of the House and Senate before the session actually starts. Sing Out will sing out, on the first floor of the Capitol, at 10 a.m., then they will watch the actual- opening of the Legislature at 11 a.m.

Lunch will be 11:30 a.m. on the lawn of the Capitol (probably hamburger and drinks), then will follow a tour of the Capitol, especially arranged for the Sing Out troupe. DEPARTURE is set for 2 p.m. with a concert scheduled for the University of Florida campus and dinner in the UF dining room at Gainesville. It is hoped that the buses will leave Gainesville by 8:30 p.m.

Tuesday and arrive in Fort Pierce about 2 a.m. Wednesday. Two private cars and a small truck will accompany the buses and two carloads of people will go to Tallahassee today to make sure all is in readiness. Members of the Advisory Committee who will accompany the group will include Mr. and Mrs.

E. F. Dean, Vie Larsen, Guy Long, Mrs. Faye Mills, Dennis Summerlin, Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Weatherington, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hyland and Mr.

and Mrs. G. Padrick. Page 3 NEWS TRIBUNE, Fort Pierce, April 4, 'Victory March' Falls Far Short Of Predictions the vote may come on a move to table and thus kill Bayh's mo tion. In the event of a tie, the deciding vote would be cast by Vice President Spiro LABOR SCENE At GLANCE By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Airlines--Flights continued at half schedule in the Northeast and Midwest, hardest hit by an sick -call campaign by air traffic controllers.

A few more controllers returned to work Saturday, but a government spokesman conceded air travelers "wouldn't feel the difference." Trucking--Strikes hit Milwaukee and Oakland, and 50,000 Chicago drivers threatened to go out Tuesday, threatening a tentative national agreement for a wage boost over three years. The drivers in Oakland and Chicago demand $1.70 an hour. Picket lines came down in Tampa, but wildcat strikes continued in St. Louis, St. Paul, Cleveland and Richfield, Ohio.

Postal-AFL-CIO President George Meany defended the postal agreement calling for a two-stage 14 per cent wage boost as "quite a raise." Meatcutters-Swift Co. and the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America announced agreement on a new contract covering 7,500 workers at 56 nationwide plants. "The 41-month agreement would provide an immediate increase of 32 cents an hour, with raises of 25 cents in 1971 and 1972. Present wages range from $3.70 to $4.90 an hour. Newspapers--Negotiations among 10 unions and four New York newspapers--the Times, Daily News, Post and Long Island Press were recessed until Tuesday.

Mediator Theodore Kheel reported settlement of some non-economic issues with the Electrical Workers. THEFTS (Continued from Page 1) Seaway Drive. Their where. abouts have not been established. Police have charged each boy with two counts of grand larceny in the theft of two of the boats.

Sheriff's deputies recovered the motor which was almost destroyed from shallow water in front of the Center, where it had been dumped overboard. De Vane said that the total number of motors and other equipment which may have been stolen and later dumped into the Indian River or exchanged for other motors is not known. Police are continuing their investigaton. APOLLO (Continued From fa*ge 1) with names like Outpost, East, West, Weird and Triple. These are not official names, but identifying names picked by the astronauts, mainly because of the shape or location of each crater.

Lovell and Haise are to spend hours on the surface before blasting off to rejoin Mattingly orbiting alone in the command ship Odyssey. During their first moon walk, Lovell and Haise will deploy a nuclear -powered science station and drill 10 feet beneath the lunar crust to plant heat sensors and collect soil samples from that depth. CARLTON (Continued From Page 1) ceiling and classes in the winter were often held outside the building on sunny days because it was warmer outside than inside. Mr. Carlton was engaged in the ranching and cattle business, had citrus groves and extensive property holdings in Fort Pierce and St.

Lucie County. He never married. Survivors include a number of nieces and nephews, includIng Mrs. Elmer Teague, Mrs. Melvin Hayes, Mrs.

Louise Whitice, Miss Mary Carlton and Mrs. Jack L. Rogers, and Carl, Dan, Reuben and Charles H. Carlton, all of Fort Pierce. WASHINGTON (AP) The from our shores." Some Ameri- town rallied ment call gence, al I the a ized, Rep.

told billed war fall. for Rev. 5 Hotel Site The foundation in the foreground and the low concrete block walls at right are the beginnings of the $2 million resort hotel under construction at St. Lucie Country Club by Roger and Hall Construc- er facilities are in the background. The threestory, 168-room complex is slated for completion in December of this year.

It is the first of three units which will be built here by General Development Corp. It will cover about four acres and contain about 90,000 square feet. (Staff Photo by Arden Baker) tion Co. of Bradenton. The convention hall and oth- rade Critics of Nixon's Welfare Plan Girding for Battle WASHINGTON (AP) lics of President Nixon's proposal to extend an assured income to "working poor" families as well as present welfare recipients are racing the clock to try to knock out the provision in the House.

The House is scheduled to begin debate Wednesday on the welfare reform bill, of which this is the most revolutionary provision, involving more than 10 million persons. But the battle will be joined a day earlier, when proponents and opponents of the bill appear before the House Rules Committee, which will set conditions under which the House considers the legislation. Bills of this kind ordinarily to the floor under a "closed -permitting only a yes or no vote on whole package, without amendments. Even opponents concede that the House, faced with such a choice, will pass the bill increasing welfare pay. ments and relieving the states of some of the financial burden.

Their hope is to persuade the committee to allow a assistance separates vote on family the working poor, which they think they have a chance to defeat. However, unofficial counts indicate they are several votes short of a majority of the 15 man committee. A objective is to prolong secondary INDIAN RIVER COUNTY NEWSETTES URBAN UTILITIES of Gifford will shift into high gear in its effort to sign up new members in a month-long drive at a reduced rate, according Samuel Hunter, president. The present rate of $250 to bring water to the customer's property line will be reduced to $125 during the campaign, which will last through April. Persons desiring to take tage of this program should contact the UDU office at 4532 40th Avenue or call 567-5024.

This reduced rate campaign, according to Hunter, is made possible because the E. N. Murray Company, the company which put in the distribution system, is working in Brevard County and can come to Gifford to install a series of meters. The reduced rate of $125 is based on getting 50 more members on the system. The new members will have to be located within the existing distribution lines.

Since UDU is a non-profit corporation, all of the profits, said Hunter, are returned to members. An increase of members can result in an immediate reduction of rates. The current rates are $4.25 per month for the first 5,000 gallons and $4.25 going, allowing more time to try to persuade members. Prominent in the opposition to the working poor provision is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has been mounting a campaign during the House Easter recess through its local affiliates.

In a special report to members, Arch N. Booth, executive vice president of the Chamber, said the family income plan "rather than reform the welfare mess would make it worse Let's correct the existing problems instead of making them at least 300 per cent worse." Says Rep. Lewis Trying to Make Political Issue TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP)Rep. Gerald Lewis is trying make a political issue out of a meeting State Insurance Commissioner Broward Williams had with industry leaders, Williams says.

"If he wants publicity he should try to help me with leg. islation to help the Williams said Friday. Williams, in effect, declared that a Feb. 5 meeting of insurance industry leaders was none of the Legislature's business. Lewis had written Williams a "I don't know that the letter really needs an answer.

This was not a meeting where the Legislature is involved. They have nothing in the world to do with this sort of program," the commissioner said. Williams said the request from Lewis, D-Miami, was politically inspired because of Lewis' support of Thomas O'Malley of Miami, who is opposing Williams for the Democratic nomination in 1970. EJ750aes april 4 Gas Explosion Kills 26 Miners PRAGUE (AP) A violent underground gas explosion killed 26 miners Saturday in Czechoslovakia's worst coalfield disaster in nine years. Only two of the 28-man crew emerged alive after the dawn blast in a coal seam deep in the Paskov mine at Frydek Mistek, 210 miles northeast of Prague.

THE WEATHER SOUTH BRIDGE TIDES Today High 9:04 a.m. 9:34 p.m. Low 2:52 a.m. 3:12 p.m. Tomorrow High 9:46 a.m.

10:22 p.m. TARPON Low 3:42 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Zone Forecast WRINGS (Jetty Tides Two Hours Earlier) LOCAL DATA FRIDAY CD Cloudy with show. ers likely.

Low near 60. High High 79 66 in 70s. Winds easterly 10 to 15 Low Rainfall .08 m.p.h. becoming northerly, April To Date .08 30.00 Mostly cloudy with Barometer Sunset Today 6:39 p.m. showers likely.

Low in 60s. High Sunrise Tomorrow 6:09 a.m. near 80. Winds southerly 10 to 15 m.p.h, becoming south to Extended southwest. Outlook HI- Partly cloudy with m.p.h.

Partly cloudy Florida Cloudy to partly chance of showers. Low in 70s. slight chance of showers. cloudy with showers, Low near High in upper 80s. Winds south- upper 70s.

High 80s. 60 extreme north and 70s else. upper for sewer services. CONCERT Season ticket holders of the Vero Beach Mutual Concert Association will receive a "bonus" concert at no additional charge, Robert E. Kohler, president announced this week.

The National Opera Company's performance of "The Marriage of Figaro" will be offered at the Vero Beach High School Auditorium, Wednesday, April 8, at 8:15 p.m. The performance will be presented in the English language, in keeping with the dedication of the National Opera to presentations of its works in the language of the audience. This performance will plete the 1969-70 season of the Vero Beach Mutual Concert As. sociation. THE UNITED.

STATES Civil Service Commission announces that the receipt of applications for electronics technicians through GS-12 is suspended and no further applications will be accepted. DALE CARNEGIE course is again being offered here and a special free introductory lecture will be held, Monday, April 6, at 7 p.m. at the Community Center. south. south to southwest 15 to 20 creasing to 15 to 20 High in 70s north and erly 10 to 15 m.p.h.

becoming southerly 10 to 15 m.p.h, March 1 For Victory" coursed can Pennsylvania Avenue and on the Washington Monugrounds Saturday with a for military triumph in Vietnam. "A people with the intellithe skills, the financial resources and the organizationability to place astronauts on moon -not once but repeatedly-is surely capable of achieving military victory over minor, backward, disorganfourth-rate dictatorship," John R. Rarick, the crowd. The march from the foot. of Capitol Hill to the rally site was day as an answer to the antion demonstrations here last ior hit "We're going to turn it around God," said the leader, the Carl McIntire, a fundamentalist radio preacher from Collingswood, N.J., as the paling stepped off.

A Park Police official estimatthe crowd initially at 40,000, Metropolitan Police Chief Jerry Wilson later said 10,000 to 15,000. McIntire claimed 50,000. A senior Park Police officer the scene supported the 50,000 figure and added, "I haven't been called a pig today." Whatever the attendance, it apparently fell well short of the 100,000 some organizers had predicted and the some 250,000 who marched here last Nov. 15 protest American involve. ment in Vietnam.

The marchers were mostly well-dressed and middle agedcontrast with the predominantly youthful antiwar demonstrators-but included a sizable sprinkling of and younger children. Thousands of placards, banners and flags waved above the manchers. Also in evidence were many Bibles, including one clutched in both hands 1 by McIntire at the head of the march. The most frequent slogan on the signs was "In God We Trust." A counter -demonstrator carried one saying "In God We Trusted. In Nam We Busted." Cuban exiles in the line of march carried signs decrying "Communism only 90 miles Lot of Interest In Carrier Sale LONG BEACH, Calif.

(AP) The Navy says there have been plenty of inquiries ever since it announced last week that the aircraft carriers Princeton and Valley Forge were for sale. One company wanted to use the carriers for floating warehouses in Singapore; a San Francisco man wanted to make one into a museum, and a Nevada disc jockey said he wanted to support one with helium balloons to make "the largest floating crap game" in the gambling state. Chances are the carriers will be sold for scrap under a Detense Surplus Sales Office policy, a Navy spokesman said. Nazis who tried to join the procession were turned away. Another Gainesville School Hit GAINESVILLE, Fla.

(AP) Racial violence has spread to another Gainesville school while Alachua County officials and worried parents plan preventive measures and punishment for repeated campus troublemakers. Four pupils were arrested Friafter a fist-swinging melee between black and white youths the campus of Westwood JunHigh School, the third school by interracial fighting in days. Friday's violence erupted only hours after the school board ap. proved a recommendation callfor "isolation social adjust ment" classes for troublemak- SS Checks Up, Welfare Aid Drops JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP)Increases in Social Security checks this month will mean slightly lower welfare payments 44,337 Florida families, director Emmett S.

Roberts State Division of Family Services said Saturday. But everyone drawing Social Security will get at least a month net increase in combined welfare and Social Secur. ity benefits. Roberts explained the situation in a letter to state legis. lators, county commission chair.

men, poverty agencies and ior citizens groups. "The average Social Security increase in Florida will be proximately $9.75," Roberts said. "In Florida, the public sistance program requires the state must take into considtoleration all income and sources in figuring the amount of assistance that a person may receive. "Therefore," se said, the past we have generally duced the amount of the public assistance grant by the amount of the Social Security increase." Congress, however, provided that everyone in adult welfare programs realize at least a increase in combined public sistance and Social Security benefits this month. As an example, Roberts the case of an old age assistlance recipient whose minimum needs were figured at $114.

has been getting $66 Social curity and $48 welfare. His ial Security check increased per cent to $75.90. With $4 disregarded, the fare aid becomes $43, giving recipient a total of $118. The money saved from welfare checks will be applied to increase the maximum grants from $75 to $85 in aged, disabled and blind grams, Roberts said, primarily aiding the poorest persons aren't qualified for Social curity. "There were 21,277 aged: blind and 11,348 disabled ceiving the maximum grant $75," Roberts said.

"Generally, these recipients have no income to help meet their needs, therefore, this is group of citizens who are dire economic situation." Miami Beach Hotel Wrecked By Students MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) A hotel's walls were battered down, bedding tattered to shreds and the lobby turned into shambles Friday after some 160 New York students became disgruntled over a $119 tour. Firemen later ordered the youths out of the three story Norman Hotel and closed the building. "The place was a mess. was a real fire hazard." Fire Chief Hubert Albritton said Friday.

The hotel housed 162 college and high school youngsters from Flushing, L.I. N.Y. They arrived in Miami Beach last Saturday on a bus tour arranged by Dynamic Tours. Some students complained the hotel was dirty and there were numerous co*ckroaches. Manager Saul Rugott said the hotel's lease expires April 30 and the building is to be razed.

The board instructed Supt. William D. Talbot to set up the classes at the county detention home. The board warned that youngsters who have "participated in serious anti-social and behavior', face permanent expulsion. A week ago pupil violence broke out at Gainesville High.

And Thursday eleven youths were arrested after a battle Bishop Junior High. Several parents rushtd to Westwood school Friday. woman, Patricia Grines, she has begun seeking support from Parent Teachers Associa. Ition and school administrators for a plan to have parents trol school campuses. "We've got to do something, and I think patrols by parents would be better than police trols," Mrs.

Grines said. A police department spokes. man, however, said he could give his endorsem*nt to the rental patrols. Police said the cause of wood's violence could not pinpointed. The two schools violence were when white students hoisted Confederate flag and Negro youths disapproved.

About one fourth of wood's 1,100 pupils are black. Couple Arrested For Sale of Bolita Tickets A man and his wife were ar. rested by Constable James A. Powell and charged with session of lottery tickets Satur. day morning.

George Washington Wil. son, 44, and his wife Dottie, 40, were arrested at a place of bus. iness at 432 N. 11th St. and placed in the St.

Lucie County jail under $500 bond. Further charges of sale of tickets and conducting a lottery may be made upon investigation, said Powell. Assisting Powell and his deputies were agents of the Florida Beverage Department and the Fort Pierce Police Department. Obituaries Wm. P.

Bishop STUART William P. Bishop, 70, of Seagate Harbor, died Friday at Spring Lake Nurs. ing Home. He was from Petersburg. moved here seven years ago from Remlik, Va.

He was a retired home builder. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Stuart and the Seagate Harbor Home Owners Ass'n. He is survived by his widow, Alice, of Seagate Harbor; a son William and his mother. Mrs. Daisy Bishop, three sisters and two grandsons.

Funeral services were held Saturday at 3 p.m. at the Ayco*ck Funeral Home Chapel, with the Rev. Robert Harmon, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, officiating. Graveside services will be held in Halifax, Va. J.

A. Huggins James Andrew Huggins, A visitor from Harpersville, died at the home of his son. Dr. John A. Huggins, 901 S.

13th Saturday afternoon. Mr. Huggins was a native of Alabama, a retired salesman and a member of the Baptist faith. Survivors, besides his son, are his wife, Bessie, six grand children, six great ren, and a brother, Jud Hug. gins, of Daytona Beach.

at the One said pa- pa- not Westbe recent sparked a West- Services and burial will be in Jasper at a later date. Arrangements are being handled by Baird Funeral Home. Edward E. co*ker JENSEN BEACH Edward E. co*ker, 66, of 107 Spruce Ridge Road, Jensen Beach, died Friday at Martin Memorial Hospital.

A native of Roosevelt, Long Island, N. he came here six years ago from there. He was a police officer with the Nassau County, N. police force. He is survived by his widow, Lois G.

co*ker. Funeral services will be held Monday at 10 a.m. from the Yates Jensen Beach Funeral Home chapel with burial to follow in All Saints Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home today from 7 to 9 p.m. Mrs.

Anderson Mrs. Philippa Anderson, 71, of 4001 Ave. died Saturday 4 Fort Pierce Memorial Hospital. She had lived here for five years, coming here from Lind. enhurst, N.

J. She was a member of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. Survivors include a brother, Robert Scatidi, of New York. Funeral arrangements will be announced by the Baird Funer.

al Home. with Low Winds in- where, 80s.

St. Lucie News Tribune from Fort Pierce, Florida (2024)


What is the local newspaper for Fort Pierce Florida? ›

Sunrise City News | Fort Pierce, FL - Official Website.

What is the name of the Port St Lucie newspaper? ›

Treasure Coast Newspapers
TypeDaily newspaper
CityPort St. Lucie, Florida
CountryUnited States
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What county is Fort Pierce, FL in? ›

Location: On Florida's southeast Atlantic Coast, Fort Pierce is the county seat of St. Lucie County, the heart of the Treasure Coast.

Where can I buy a Florida Today newspaper? ›

Pick it up at any of these fine locations:
  • Walmart.
  • Publix.
  • Winn Dixie.
  • Walgreens.
  • 7 Eleven.
  • Circle K.
  • McDonalds.
  • Speedway.

Why is it called the Treasure Coast? ›

The Treasure Coast is a region of Florida on the state's Atlantic coast, comprising Indian River, St. Lucie, and Martin counties. The region, whose name refers to the Spanish Treasure Fleet lost in a 1715 hurricane, emerged from residents' desire to distinguish themselves from Miami and the Gold Coast region.

What is St Lucie named after? ›

According to historians, it is believed that the name "St. Lucie" was first given to this area by the Spanish. The name was given after the Spanish began construction of a fort on December 13 - the feast day of the Roman Catholic Saint Lucia.

Why is Port St Lucie called Port? ›

Port St. Lucie was created by General Development Corp. — the largest land development company in Florida — and its first major community, Port Charlotte, was established on the Gulf Coast in the 1950s. It then became GDC's marketing plan to include “Port” in the names of all the large developments it planned.

Is Port St Lucie part of Palm Beach County? ›

Port St. Lucie was incorporated on April 27, 1961. The City occupies an area of 120 square miles in St. Lucie County on Florida's east coast.

What is the ethnicity of Fort Pierce Florida? ›

In 2022, there were 1.35 times more Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents (20.6k people) in Fort Pierce, FL than any other race or ethnicity. There were 15.3k White (Non-Hispanic) and 4.57k White (Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

Where is the best place to live in Fort Pierce Florida? ›

Some of the best neighborhoods in or around Fort Pierce, Florida are South Beach, Maravilla and Bent Creek. Consider buying or renting a home in one of these popular neighborhoods. Is this area right for me? A local agent can help you zero in on the area that's perfect for you, no commitment required.

Why is it called Fort Pierce? ›

The fort (1838–42), built during the Seminole Wars, was named for Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin K. Pierce (brother of President Franklin Pierce), who commanded a detachment.

What is the newspaper for Palm Coast Florida? ›

Palm Coast Observer | Palm Coast, FL 32137.

What is the main newspaper in Fort Myers Florida? ›


What is the name of the Fort Worth based local newspaper? ›

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram is an American daily newspaper serving Fort Worth and Tarrant County, the western half of the North Texas area known as the Metroplex.

What is the newspaper for Stuart, Florida? ›


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